Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday 4/15/11 - This is why kids love McDonald's so much!

After Jacob & I picked up Brianna from school today, we went to eat lunch at McDonald's and play in the indoor play area.  They bug me all the time to play at McDonald's.  Since it was a nasty day and we couldn't go to the park, I decided it was the perfect chance to play inside at Mickey D's.  They were wound up and needed to burn off some energy before their nap.  I took pictures of them playing and having fun!

Brianna was laughing so hard because this little boy was chasing her down the slide!

This little boy was scared at first to go down the slide (I think because it was enclosed) but he got over it quickly!  He LOVED going down the slide!

CHEESE!!  Look Mommy!  I'm having so much fun here!!

I caught Jacob coming out of one of the tunnels

He had so much fun here!  He didn't want to leave.

She had a blast too!  We ran into one of her little friends, Ellie, from school.  She & Brianna played together while we were at McDonald's.

This was Ronald's Safari of Fun!

After playing for about 30-40 minutes, it was getting close to naptime so we had to go home.  I don't know who had more fun...Brianna or Jacob!

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