Friday, April 22, 2011

Wednesday 4/13/11 - 20 week ultrasound

Today I went for my 20 week ultrasound.  This was a follow up from a few months ago.  I had to have blood work and an ultrasound due to my "Advanced" Maternal Age.  Yeah, did you know that having a baby OVER 35 puts you in the "ADVANCED AGE" category?  Nice, huh?  I would like to mention to those of you who don't know my age, I'm not THAT much over 35.  Due to my "ADVANCED" age, it was "RECOMMENDED" that I get more advanced testing done to check for any abnormalities that are more likely to occur in women who are over 35.  Problems can arise at any woman's age during a pregnancy, not just women over 35.  It was also suggested that I have these tests done during my other two pregnancies, but I always refused them.  I figured, "It will be what it will be.  It's already done."  Having these tests won't change a thing.  Even if I did have a child with physical, mental or health issues, I still wouldn't do anything about it.  I would have my baby like normal.  I wasn't going to have these tests done with this child either, but my OB sort of guilted me into it.  He said, "I'm not telling you what to do, but if you end up being high risk again & I have to send you to another high risk doctor, they may want to know why you didn't have these tests done."  I STILL should've said NO, but after talking with Jack about it, I reluctantly decided to go ahead with all the testing.  Well, to say the least, it was the WORST decision I could've EVER made.  I wish that I wouldn't have had them done.  I was a total basket case the whole time waiting.  Waiting and time can be a person's worst enemy.  Especially if you're a worry wart, like I am.   The testing is called an Ultra screen, which includes an ultrasound and blood work.  From what I've heard, it's not all that accurate.  Why they put women through all of that, is beyond me.  It has to be performed sometime between week 11 & 13.  I had mine done at almost 12 1/2 weeks.   The ultra screen tests for chromosome defects and the like.  This has to be done by week 13 due to something they need to look at in the baby's neck that is still transparent to see on the ultrasound.  By week 13 it is solid and is too late.  I had to wait almost a week to get my results back.  I was really good about keeping a positive outlook on things during this time.  After all, neither Jack nor I have anyone in our families that have any type of birth defects so we figured we were "safe".   Well, that phone call I received, with the test results, was the worst phone call I've ever had to take in my life.  It didn't help that the woman on the other end had a bedside manner of the wall.  Seriously.  You DON"T call someone with bad news to scare the living daylights out of them.  My ultrasound came back fine, but my blood work didn't.  I was told that the test for down syndrome came back higher than normal for someone at MY age.  I was told that I have a 1 out of 13 chance for having a child with down syndrome.  So, basically, if there are 13 people in a room, ONE of them will have down syndrome.   That is roughly a 92% chance that I WON'T have a child like that, but still.  One out of 13 odds doesn't sound that great.   After I got off the phone with the woman who gave me the results, I bawled my eyes out.  I was so upset and sorry I did these tests.  It was recommended that I come back in 8 more weeks (my 20th week) to have another test done to check for physical deformities.  It was also "suggested" that I have an amniocentesis.  I refused to have that done.  PERIOD.  I refused for two reasons...#1  I'm not going to cause more problems because of my insecurities.  The earlier on in pregnancy that you are, the more dangerous it is.  The later on you have one, the safer it is.  #2  I'm not exactly thrilled with the idea of having a needle stuck in my stomach.  Would you??  Needless to say, for the EIGHT LOOOONG weeks I had to wait, it was torture, to say the least.  I talked to my OB about the results.  He told me I could do one of 3 things.  #1 - I could take the non-invasive approach and do nothing.  We would just take our chances and find out when our baby comes.  #2 - I could have the amniocentesis to be reassured that everything was okay.  #3 - I could have the amnio done, get an infection from it, cause me to be on bed rest for the remaining time of the pregnancy, go into labor early or even worse, lose the baby.   My OB said, "You need to decide which one you can live with."  I told him that I couldn't live with #3.  He said, "Well then, you've made your choice."   Jack and I talked about this a lot.  He told me even if I wanted to do it, I would have a difficult time convincing him to into letting me do it.  He didn't want me to do this and I didn't either.  So, for the next 8 weeks was nothing, but a waiting game.  I was so scared and nervous!  I cried...A LOT.  I prayed...A LOT.  I talked to people who either had these testings done themselves or knew of women who did.  Most of them were UNDER 35 who had had the tests done.  It made me feel better talking with people who were supportive and went through the same thing I was now.  I had a lot of people saying prayers for a positive outcome.  When the day finally came that I had to have the BIG tests done, I was so worried and scared.  I felt like I was going to puke.   Fortunately for Jack and I, all of the tests I had to go through this time came back NORMAL!!  The doctor and ultrasound tech said they couldn't find anything wrong with the ultrasound in the least to make them think there was something wrong with our baby!  When I was told that, I broke down and cried.  I have been under such tremendous stress these past 8 weeks worrying about this, I've practically made myself sick.  We were so relieved to hear our baby is doing FINE!!  The doctor said that my blood tests came back really bad and they were really worried about this test.  She said she didn't know if it was my hormones that threw off the tests or what.  What matters is EVERYTHING is FINE.  I was given a few of the ultrasound pictures from my visit and thought I would share them with you all.

This is a picture of the baby with it's mouth opened!  That's pretty cool!  I've never seen that before on an ultrasound!  By the looks of things, this baby will be inheriting my nose again. :)  That's about the only part of my body that I've ALWAYS liked!   

Here is a picture of a tiny little foot!  Isn't it cute?!?!

While at the doctor's office, we were asked if we wanted to know what we were going to be blessed with.  Immediately, Jack and I both said, "YES".  It doesn't matter either way to us, but if we know, it makes it easier to start getting rid of whatever we're NOT having.  So...anyone want to guess what the baby will be???  We were told we're having a .........

(I could tell immediately when looking at the ultra sound what we were going to have.  There were only two dots (the ovaries).  There wasn't a third

**Before the test began, I asked the tech if she would let me try to see if I could figure it out first before she told us.  After all, I guessed correctly with both of the other  At the last minute (a few hours before my test) I really thought about it.  At first (from the very beginning), I was convinced I was having another boy.  I was sure of it.  Then, when I REALLY thought about it, I noticed a lot of similarities with this pregnancy and my 1st one with Brianna.  I changed my mind right before I had my ultrasound to a girl.  I said a little prayer before my test today.  I asked GOD that if he had any mercy on my soul, he would give us another girl.  I don't think we could handle another   I know this sounds mean and I'm sorry if it does. I know every child is different.  Just because we have a girl won't guarantee we'll have an "angel" by any means.  But for any of you who don't know my sweet boy, he's like having THREE boys all wrapped up into ONE.  No joke.  I love him with all my heart.  It bursts at the seems with the love I have for him.  He is more helpful and sweet than any other little boy I know.  HOWEVER, he is a very busy, destructive little boy.  He is a cross between his Uncle Dave & Uncle Eddie.  No offense to either of them, but that's a BAAAAD thing for Jack and I.  Jacob actually takes after his Uncle Dave more so than anyone. Even my Grandma agrees with me. I'm afraid we're going to be in for a REAL treat.  Sorry if this offends any of you who have boys or favor little boys.  If you like, I'll send mine home with you for a week.  I'm sure you'll change your mind REAL quick!   Even Grandma & Grandpa Parker were relieved that we were having another girl.  Grandma Parker says they didn't know if they could handle another boy  Jacob's lucky he's so cute and sweet.  Otherwise, he'd be dead by now! 

***I would like to thank each and every one of you who kept me and my family in your prayers during this difficult time.  I honestly believe in the power of prayer. It's what got me through my other two pregnancies as well.  Especially with my first one.  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  I love you all! 

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