Friday, April 22, 2011

Sunday 4/10/11 - Sunshine + Warm Weather = Awesomeness!!

Since today was such a nice day, I told Jack I wanted to take the kiddos to the park.  They needed to get out, get some exercise & burn off some energy.  We put on our summer clothes, sunscreen & tennis shoes and off to the park we went!  We even had a surprise while playing there today...

Brianna in one of the tunnels at the park

This gal LOVES to climb!  She's gotten pretty good at it!

This boy flat out REFUSED to go down any slide the right way at first

The monkey bars are one of her favorites.  She's gotten pretty good at making it almost all the way to the end.  She may be little, but she sure is strong!  She can make it farther across than I

WEEEE!!  Going down the slide the RIGHT way is MORE fun!

The "Captain" of the ship

Jacob in one of the tunnels

Daddy was behind to offer a little extra support, just in case Jacob fell.  He climbed right up those rocks like a pro!

Brianna said this made her too dizzy so she liked to just sit on it and not spin too fast.  Can't say I blame her. This wouldn't be my favorite thing to play on either.  I get dizzy real quick too.

They both got tired of playing on the playground and wanted to swing.

Look who we found at the park...GRANDPA PARKER!!  We didn't find him on the  He works there and was checking on the ball fields seeing how wet they were.  He saw us and stopped for a bit to play with the kids.

Jacob liked the kiddy swings better.  I think he felt safer than in a regular swing.  He's almost too big for the smaller swings.  It takes 2 people to get him out of them.  His feet get caught in the holes!

Jacob sat on Grandpa's lap and swung for a few minutes.  That was WAAAAY more fun than swinging alone!

This silly girl wanted to see what it was like to swing this way.  She found out it wasn't as fun.  She said it hurt her tummy.

We took a break from playing to catch our breath and to get a quick drink under one of the pavilions.

Jacob said it felt nice in the pavilion

We let the kids play for a hour then decided it was time to head for home.  We were all pooped!  Plus, it was close to the kids' nap time.   We had fun while it lasted!  Playing at the park is always fun!

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