The kids were suprised that the Easter Bunny had visited Grandpa Bill & Grandma Rosina's house! Man, that bunny gets around!
This is my little man's "new" smile. What can I say? Atleast he looks AT the camera most of the time now. Usually all I get is either a side shot of his face or a picture of his back!
The kids like to sit on Grandma Great's walker and visit with her. They also like to push it around the house too. The Easter Bunny even visited Grandma Great's house! These bunnies, that the kids are holding, are some of what he brought. The kids absolutely LOVE them! Jacob named his "Little Bunny Foo Foo"! I don't know what Brianna named hers.
Grandpa Bill was nice to fry up a bunch of fish, that he had caught, for us to eat. Rosina made spaghetti and a bunch of other yummy things! My kids like fish, they just don't know it Everything in our house (that has to do with meat) is called Chicken. Whatever works, right?
After we ate, we went downstairs to burn off some energy. Grandpa Bill put on some music and the kids danced around! They even got in a dance or two with the grandparents!
Grandpa Bill dancing with Jacob
Brianna showing Rosina her "moves"
Rosina dancing with both of the kids
Rosina was trying to dance with Jacob, but Brianna kept butting in.
After dancing, the kids went outside to blow some of their bubbles the Easter Bunny brought them. Brianna did real well at making BIG bubbles. Jacob was more into dumping out the solution all over the place. No one was safe! A few of us got splattered with soap!
Brianna making bubbles
Brianna making bubbles for Grandma Great
Daddy trying to show Jacob how to make bubbles without splattering everyone. It didn't work. Jacob enjoyed making a mess more so than bubbles!
Grandpa also gave the kids a tractor ride too. I wasn't able to get any good pictures of their ride. The kids always look so forward to it! He took them all over the place. This was their first ride without Rosina. Usually she goes along because Jacob is little. He's much bigger now and is able to sit in the wagon with his sister all by himself!
I wanted to thank my dad & Rosina for the great time we had and for the wonderful food! It was nice to catch up and visit! Also a special thanks to the Easter Bunny too! The kids LOVE all of their outfits and other treats he brought them! Thanks for inviting us out for a visit! We all had a great time!
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