This is the Convention Center where the Hair Show was held
Usually I take the Metro Link so I don't have to worry about parking, but the people I went with this year like to drive down here themselves. They like to buy TONS of goodies and have to make SEVERAL trips to the car.
A banner that was welcoming State Beauty Supply's Discover Show 2011
The line to get in to the actual show (on the first day) was LONG, to say the least. The second day wasn't quite as bad.
Matrix was one of the vendors here at the show. They usually put on a great show every year. Last year, they blew out the lights due to all their electrical equipment. The place went dark for a few minutes until they fixed it. This year, nothing like that happened (not while I was there anyway). My mom should remember this...she went with me last year.
TIGI was another vendor at the show. I LOVE their Bed Head products! They're AWESOME!!
My hairstylist bought this hair dryer in black. Not a bad deal for $199.99. You also got a 1" Chi-iron and an electric trimmer for FREE! That was a savings of $130.00!! I would've actually bought this myself, if I had the money. I'm sure (some how) you REALLY were paying for all of it. They just figure out a way to make it sound like you were getting a This hair dryer had a ferrari motor in it (it's made in Italy). The man demonstrating it was standing a good 10 feet away from us while showing us how it worked (He blew the air right at us. The air was extremely powerful!). This dryer blew air at an amazing 75 mph!! Imagine how it would feel standing right next to the person who's hair you were drying! It just might blow you out of the
This was another demonstration put on by Sexyhair. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE their products!! Especially their hairspray. It's the ONLY kind I'll use. The nice thing about the hair show is that products are SOOOO much CHEAPER!! I made sure to stock up on all of my favorites!
There are also vendors here that were selling things for stylists to put in their shops. I LOVED this display! It was for coloring hair. It held several bowls and other supplies for you to make it more convenient. Anything like this helps you reach your goal at a much faster pace. That's what it's all about. Get 'em in, get 'em out. You make more money that way, the more clients you can do.
This chair & bowl set was AWESOME!! The chair actually reclined back so you could put your feet up! The bowl moved all around so you could position it to fit your client better. At $3450.00, how many would YOU want??
While sitting down resting, I saw this girl with this display on top of her head! I walked over to her to talk to her. I asked if she minded if I took a few pictures of her hair. She said she didn't so I took one of the front and one of the back. It was quite interesting, to say the least!
This was all made of hair (with the exception of the boat sails & masts). Some of the girls and some not. The girl to the left created this to enter her friend in a creative hair contest. It was a boat (to your left) and a palm tree (to your right). The blue was supposed to represent water.
By far, Farouk had the BEST show there (in my opinion). I sat and watched their show several times over the two days. It was so interesting!
They would pull people up on stage, from out of the crowd, to do their hair. They would either cut & style it or color it (maybe even both). Most of the time, you didn't get a choice to voice your opinion of how you wanted your hair done. That, right there, was enough to scare me! I got my hair cut last year at the show. I refrained this My hair is STILL growing out.
I was trying to get a good picture of this girl with this wig on (with the long braid). She was really interesting to watch. Later on she had a guitar that she walked around with "pretending" to play it & would dance around. I wonder if that wig was heavy or hot?
This, by far, was the BEST show there!
Some people had color foiled into their hair...
This particular stylist was from Mexico. He was really neat to watch!
I sat and watched these two guys for HOURS. OMG!! They were soooo good! I'm sorry to say I don't have a good picture of either of them. They were totally amazing!
They brought this girl up on stage, from out of the crowd, to do her hair. One of guys stood in the front and the other stood in back. BOTH cutting this girl's hair at the same time! They had some peppy music playing while they were doing their work. By the end of the song, they had this girl's hair cut AND styled! I've NEVER seen anything like it! I'd let them cut my hair any day! The one with the black cowboy hat on was from Austrailia. He was my favorite. He kinda looked like Tommy Lee, from the band Motley Crue (for those of you who know who that is). I was in awe of these two!!
The one guy (with the red bandana from the picture above) had to leave so the other guy (with the Austrailian accent & black cowboy hat) continued on with his demonstrations. I actually liked him the best. I was infatuated with him. I found him kinda sexy, in a weird hairstylist sorta He looked like a bad boy, but could do hair too! What a combo! :)
The first day, we rode the Metro Link to eat lunch at Hard Rock Cafe in Union Station
Hard Rock Cafe at Union Station, in St. Louis, MO. The last time I visited one of these was back in 1991 in Chicago. The guy I was dating at the time, was graduating from the Naval Academy in Waukegan, IL. I went to see him graduate. We celebrated by visiting Hard Rock Cafe while there.
Since it was such a nice day, we wanted to sit outside on their patio. We had to wait 15 minutes so we looked around their gift shop. This a picture of a shirt I bought for the kids. I bought Jack different shirt. I took a picture of it with my phone, not my camera.
After being seated out on the patio, I decided to take pictures from our table. It was such a beautiful day! This was a pond that had goldfish in it. There was a place you could pay to get fish food to feed them!
Landry's Seafood House
Houlihan's Restaurant
This is what I ordered for lunch. I'm aware that this is Hard Rock Cafe and I figured it would be expensive, but THAT was an UNDERSTATEMENT!!! I THOUGHT I would be safe ordering a hamburger. HA! Well, I thought wrong. I remember back in 1991, a hamburger & fries that I ordered was over $8.00. I was sure that 20 years later it would be more. I didn't realize just how much more it would really be. Good grief! I ordered a California burger and fries. I only ordered a water to drink, not a soda (to save some money). The burger was juicy in the middle, but burnt all around the edges. It was dry in some places and juicy in others, yet grease ran all down my arm. It was kinda gross. Believe it or not, this lunch ran me $15.34 BEFORE the tip. All together this "appetizer" ended up costing me $20 bucks!! Yeah, my whole family of 4 can eat at McDonald's for under that. PLUS the food there is better. Geesh! Not to mention the Metro Link fare went up DRASTICALLY!! Last year, the fare (for a round trip ticket) was $4.50. Well, this year it was $7.50!! Now THAT'S one expensive lunch! YIKES!! It ended up costing me almost $30 bucks for lunch!
Before leaving, I walked around taking pictures of the displays hanging on the wall. It was really cool there! This is a display of Bo Diddley.
This is an Elvis display.
I forgot who this dress belonged to. If you look to the upper left, there is a group from the 60's. Sorry, I don't recognize any of them off hand. The supremes? IDK...
This was the door to get in & out
A picture of Union Station. I would like to take my kids here some day. We would, of course, ride the Metro Link. I wouldn't have a clue about how to get down here by driving.
Well, I figured this post was getting too long, so I thought I'd stop here. It was an interesting two days, if I do say so myself. All I can say is I'm thankful that it's OVER!! I discovered I like going by myself. I can go at my own pace and eat lunch at a much cheaper place!
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