Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday 10/19/11 - 2 month check up

Today I took Kyndall for her 2 month check up.  I was in shock when the nurse told me what her stats were!   She weighed 12 lbs 12 oz & is 22 1/4" long!  She's in the 95% for her weight & in the 50% for her length.  Maybe she'll be short & fluffy like her mommy.  Oh well, that just means there'll be more of her to love!  I guess that explains why her 0-3 month clothes are getting tight.  Not due to her height, but more so due to her girth.  :D   I've started to put them away because most are either too short, too tight or I can't get them over her head anymore.  She doesn't like to be put through a fashion show & have her clothes changed all the time.  Her 3-6 month clothes are still a little too big, but I guess it's better that they're too big vs. too small.  It makes for a much happier baby!   Sorry, no pictures this time...

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